
Make your groceries last with these top tips

It’s estimated that Australians throw away nearly $8 billion dollars worth of food a year and sitting right at the top of that figure is fresh produce. There are plenty of things you can do to avoid this waste, including only buying what you...

Foodhack your way to a decadent brownie

Source: Pinterest.com There is hardly anything so delicious, so delightful, or so darn decadent as a rich and gooey brownie. Of course, an old-fashioned pan of brownies does come with its own set of problems. To begin with, they take forever to...

So much smarter than the average home phone

With the release of the KX-PRX150 and KX-PRX120 premium design cordless phones, Panasonic brings all the convenience of a mobile smartphone to your home phone. The KX-PRX150 features the functionality of a 3G mobile and both models feature a...

Panasonic scoops the Product of the Year Awards

Panasonic cleaned up in three categories at the Product of the Year Awards 2014, taking out the top spots for Air Conditioning Product of the Year 2014, Refrigerator Product of the Year 2014 and TV Product of the Year 2014. Product of the Year...

Attention, Earth People. The Orbitel is here.

One of the most iconic television sets of the 20th century, the Panasonic TR-005 Orbitel spoke to a generation obsessed by the concept of outer space. Manufactured for a very short period from the late 1960’s into the very early...

Panasonic extends Olympic Partnership through 2024

Panasonic is committed to “Sharing the Passion” of athletes with people around the world and connecting people who are passionate about sports and the Olympic Games. Under these grounds, we’re proud to announce the extension of...