Panasonic Australia acts on E-Waste in Australia
Panasonic as an ‘Eco Ideas’ organisation with a stated goal of being the number one green innovation company by our 100 year anniversary in 2018 and as a member of Product Stewardship Australia (PSA) has been taking a leadership role in the construction and design of a TV recycling programme for Australia
Panasonic Australia and other major television and computer brands have committed to fund and operate a national e-waste recycling service that will cover metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia. The company has invested considerable effort and funds towards the combined industry program under the umbrella of ANZRP – the Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform Limited. This industry-led arrangement is regarded as the most environmentally sound initiative to confront the growing volume of television and computer waste being generated by Australian households.
ANZRP is a not-for-profit organisation driven by robust environmental criteria and represents the industry leading model. It is informed by many years of practical experience from overseas, including Europe, Japan, Canada and the US. The focus is on delivering a community-friendly recycling service that is environmentally responsible and cost effective.
Free E-waste Drop-Off Service for Householders and Small Businesses
ANZRP will offer a free e-waste drop-off service for householders and small businesses, as well as collection events across the nation. ANZRP expects to launch its program in July 2012, following regulatory approval.
The Government’s National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme has received a major boost through the commitment and funding that will be provided through ANZRP members. Recycling rates will be significantly increased as a result of the ANZRP membership working cooperatively under the one program. An ambitious target of 80% recycling of available waste is planned by 2021.
Panasonic Australia’s Managing Director, Steve Rust reaffirmed his company’s commitment to ensuring that best practice technology is used in the disassembly and reprocessing of redundant televisions. “Panasonic is a world leader on e-waste recycling and the ANZRP program will benefit from our company’s environmental specialists who have two decades of practical recycling knowledge,” said Rust.
ANZRP is also running e-waste training programs in Melbourne and Sydney during March for recyclers and collection facilities. The training will assist waste management companies and councils to address the essential site-specific safety and environmental issues when handling television and computer waste.
Visit the ANZRP website ( for detailed information about membership and how brands, OEMs and importers can become part of the ANZRP e-waste solution.
ANZRP Twitter; ANZRP Facebook Page