Spring is a beautiful time of the year. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, the sun is out, and we welcome the longer days and warmer nights with open arms. But for hay fever, allergy and asthma sufferers, spring can be a miserable time of the year. Blooming flowers means an increased concentration of pollen in the air, which can cause a runny, itchy or congested nose; frequent sneezing; itchy or watery, irritated eyes and difficulty breathing.
While it is impractical for asthma and hay fever sufferers to stay indoors all the time, there are some practical things that can be done to reduce seasonal pollen and allergen exposure, and limit its effects on your health. So, what do the experts recommend?
- Keep up-to-date with the air quality in your area everyday by visiting the Pollen Index Forecast or the Air Quality Index.
- Reduce exposure to trees, grasses and weeds. For example, don’t spend time gardening, and avoid going out till later in the day, when pollen levels are generally not as high.
- If thunderstorms are forecast for your area, try to remain indoors. The combination of rain, wind and humidity can significantly increase allergens in the air during or immediately after thunderstorm activity.
- Keep windows up when driving. Use the car’s recirculating air conditioning mode if you need to prevent exposure to allergens from your air vents.
- Glasses or sunglasses can protect your eyes outdoors. Close the windows when you move indoors.
- Consult your doctor or get a referral for a trained allergist to seek professional advice on what could be causing your allergies.
- Consult your pharmacist about over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines or nasal sprays to manage your symptoms.
Something many people don’t consider is the air quality inside their homes. It stands to reason that if the air in your house comes from outside, the pollen count in the air you breathe inside can also aggravate asthma or allergies during spring.
Recognising this, Panasonic has developed an Air Conditioner with a built-in air purifier. The innovative nanoe™ X air purifying system actively cleans the air within the room to create a healthier indoor living environment. Using water molecules filled with OH radicals, the system generates 4.8 trillion tiny molecules per second which cling to and inhibit airborne pollens, allergens, bacteria, viruses and mould.
Cleverly, the air-purification system can run independently of the air conditioner, offering the versatility of purifying your indoor air without the additional cost of using the cooling or heating functions.
The nanoe™ X system is officially recognised by the National Asthma Council Australia’s community program, Sensitive Choice, as an air purifying solution suitable for those with asthma or allergies.
But air purification doesn’t just assist asthma and hay fever sufferers. The average person breathes in 18kg of air every day, meaning everyone can benefit from cleaner, fresher air and a healthier and more comfortable home environment.
The Benefits of

Inhibition of bacteria and viruses
nanoe™X inhibits the activity of airborne and adhered bacteria and viruses such as E. Coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Inhibition of pollen
nanoe™X is effective in inhibiting a variety of pollens released throughout the year.

Inhibition of major allergens
nanoe™X inhibits allergens including pet dander, mite droppings and airborne mould.

Breakdown of hazardous substances
nanoe™X inhibits and breaks down common hazardous and harmful substances at particle sizes as small as PM2.5.

Active deodorisation
nanoe™X penetrates into the deepest parts of fibres and eliminates frequently encountered odours, creating cleaner and fresher spaces.

Inhibition of mould growth
Common airborne and adhered mould found inside living spaces are enveloped and inhibited by nanoe™X.
Panasonic has always endeavoured to deliver more than just cooling or heating solutions. We leverage all our ventilation and purification technologies to improve your indoor air quality to help make a noticeable difference to your health, comfort and the quality of air in your home. Check out our latest range.
Learn More About nanoe™X Air Purification