2020 has been a year to remember for many reasons. One of the highlights for our Technics team is Australian DMC DJ Championships. Since the reintroduction of the Technics brand in 2019, we’ve been excitedly anticipating being involved in the Australian DMC DJ Championships again.
Commonly referred to as the Olympics of the DJ scene, the DMC DJ Championships is a global event that brings together the best DJ’s and turntablists from across the Australia and around the world.
Since September DJs from all over the country have battled it out over 2 months for a swag of prizes including two Technics SL-1210 MK7 turntables and the bragging rights to be called the 2020 Australian DMC DJ Champion.

All finalists received a pair of Technics EAH-DJ1200 Headphones while the Australian Champion received two Technics SL-1210MK7 DJ Turntables.
Usually held as in-person events in a few states across Australia, the pandemic forced the event to go online for the first time. This complication turned the heat up a notch as it levelled the playing field, allowing aspiring DJs all over Australia to put their hat in the ring against some of country’s most highly regarded turntable artists.
The online video format also escalated the quality of entries. The video submission arrangement eliminated the pressure of a one-take live audience set, encouraging competitors to create more technically challenging routines. Each competitor could practice, record and re-record their submissions till every element of their set was perfect.
Despite this horde of newcomers and improved set quality, DJ Wallzee successfully defended his 2019 crown and cemented his place in history by becoming the back-to-back Australian DMC DJ Champion in 2020. We were lucky enough to catch-up with him in between working on his new set for the World Championships to speak to us about his final thoughts on the 2020 Australian DMC DJ Championships.

Check out all the Australian entrants at the Global DMC DJ Championship Website
Congratulations on defending your Australian DMC DJ Champion title. Which win was more satisfying and why?
Probably the first one by a fraction, after coming off the back of 2 second places the 2 years previous, it was good to finally conquer that mountain so to speak.
This year DMC took the competition online for the first time. Do you prefer the new format or the old one?
I’ll always be a live battle guy, the online format has its pros and cons but nothing beats the adrenalin of performing your routine live.
What is your process for creating a set?
I generally just put tracks aside throughout the year that I’ve been messing with, then when battle season comes around I define everything and cut out the fat until it’s all done. Juggle routines tend to come a lot more naturally to me then scratch routines.
Did the online format change the way you approached your sets?
Not really, I kept pretty much the same approach, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?
Did being in lock-down help or hinder your motivation and inspiration for the final?
Definitely hindered it for the first half of the pandemic, but once I got all my stuff together it was good to have a bit of extra time at home.
How long have you been using the Technics 1200’s? Why do you think they have such a cult following in the DJ scene?
8-9 years I think? Because they are built to last and the torque is perfect for the stuff that we do. And the start/stop button is immaculate!
Are you happy with your set for the World Elimination round?
Very happy, my style is a little different to what has become the norm on the world stage but it definitely ticks all the boxes while being aggressive!
What did you specifically work on for the Worlds set to differentiate it from your Australian Championship?
I added a scratch section to my juggle routine from the national comp. Having 2 minutes, I wanted to display the best of what I’m capable of.
Were you checking out entries from the other countries? Whose sets impressed you the most?
Yeah, I’ve always got my eyes open on what’s going on in the scene. KITSOS from Greece was my favourite, his cuts are incredible.
What will it mean to you if you were crowned the 2020 DMC DJ World Champion?
It would mean the world, I’d finally be able to catch my breath.

Aaron Waters, Technics Product Marketing Manager with the Limited Edition SL-1210MK7R RedBull BC One DJ Turntable
Aaron Waters, Technics Product Marketing Manager, Australia had this to say to sum up the Australian championships for 2020:
“I’m very proud to be a part of the new era of Technics in Australia following last year’s relaunch of this iconic brand to these shores. Looking back at our global history, the rise of Technics and DJs go hand-in-hand throughout the years, and it’s exciting now to link up with this passionate community here at home. We wish DJ Wallzee the best of luck in the World Championships and hope he can take it all the way to the finals and show the world that Australian DJs can mix it with the best of them.”
Catch-up on all the live streams from the Australian Championships and follow along with DJ Wallzee’s journey at the World Championship on the Australian DMC DJ Championships Facebook page or website below.