Panasonic rice cookers are capable of producing a surprising variety of savoury dishes, steamed dim sum, desserts and more at the touch of a button.
Preparing perfect meals in the kitchen doesn’t have to be out of reach, even for the casual cook. The secret weapon? An easy to use Panasonic rice cooker with Fuzzy Logic technology to precisely adjust the temperature and cooking results! Of course, they can perfectly prepare everyone’s favourite grain but these versatile little wonders also do a whole lot more. Our rice cookers are set-and-forget multi-taskers, capable of producing a surprising variety of savoury dishes, steamed dim sum, desserts and more at the touch of a button.
Perfect Results with Fuzzy Logic Technology
Fuzzy logic is a way to program machines to look at the world more like a human would. Where an ordinary rice cooker would complete its task as a single-minded mechanical process, these Panasonic models are capable of making independent judgment calls, based on each set of ingredients and the cooking environment.
Versatile Rice Cookers for Creative Cooking
Panasonic rice cookers give you a range of menu modes to cover a range of rice varieties, from brown rice to jasmine rice or sticky rice and also include quick cook, slow cook, clay pot and steam functions. Or you can get really creative and try out the one-pot rice cooker recipes like crème caramel, casseroled prawns, chicken risotto, mac and cheese, or tom yum soup. To make your life easy, our rice cookers have a ‘keep warm’ function and a pre-set timer that lets you prepare rice and steamed dishes ahead of time and an alarm to alert you when it’s cooked.
Rice Cooker RangeHead Over to The Ideas Kitchen
With so many Panasonic kitchen appliances designed to make your life easier, we’ve gone one step further and put together this website full of fabulous recipes to help you make the most of your products.
Rice Cooker Recipe Collection