The evolution of Panasonic charts a quest for innovation that began in a tiny two-room tenement and has developed into one of the most successful electronics companies in the world. Our founder, Konosuke Matsushita, built his empire from the production of a revolutionary two-pronged light socket in 1918 and the desire to create things of value that improve lives. Through hard work and dedication, Matsushita’s small team produced one innovative product after another, gradually expanding from a household business to a small enterprise and over time growing into the global success story it is today.
“Our business is something entrusted to us by society. Therefore, we are duty-bound to manage and develop the company in an upstanding manner, contributing to the development of society and the improvement of people’s lives.”
– Konosuke Matsushita, Panasonic Founder
WATCH: Panasonic │ A Century of Reliability
The reputation Panasonic has developed as a trustworthy brand lays in the dedication we have shown to delivering quality products. We love to innovate but we have never believed in ‘tech for tech’s sake. A smart product is only beneficial in the larger sense if it is easy to understand and if it fulfills a need – maybe one you didn’t even know you had. We believe that understanding people is just as important as the pursuit of innovation and design. It’s only through a human filter that anything we create in this world can have relevance and deliver useful innovations that will enhance your everyday life.
“Our social mission as a manufacturer is only realised when products reach, are used by, and satisfy the customer… We need to take the customer’s skin temperature daily.”
– Konosuke Matsushita, Panasonic Founder

Konosuke Matsushita appeared on the cover of the February 23, 1962 issue of TIME magazine
For one hundred years Panasonic has pioneered ground-breaking innovations but our core beliefs are still closely aligned with those set down by our founder. Konosuke Matsushita was a practical dreamer. He believed in creating products that would anticipate consumer’s needs and make their lives better. While many things have changed throughout the last century, Panasonic will always be passionate about creating products based on Matsushita’s idea that technology must have a reason for being, and that reason is to add value to your life.
READ MORE: Learn about Konosuke Matsushita and how he developed Panasonic into a leading global corporation

Konosuke is interviewed by a journalist from LIFE magazine at Matsushita Electric’s Head Office in Osaka in June 1964.